Node cut-off: 1.5%

Spreadable (Smørbart smør fx. "Kærgården")


“Spreadable” is produced by mixing butter and rapeseed oil. Butter is produced in excess in the market and no significant processes are influenced by a marginal demand. Rapeseed oil production is determined by the market demand and a demand for “spreadable” influences all processes in rapeseed oil production.

The main processes influenced by "spreadable" demand are shown in the figure below.


Figure 1: Market based product chain for "spredable" covering the most important processes in terms of contribution to golbal warmng.Boxes refer to production processes. Names of grey boxes refer to the main product of the processes. Red arrows represent material or energy transfer between two processes; green arrows represent saved material or energy transfer as a result of displacements; green lines represent displacements and red lines represent avoided displacements. Further details can be found in the LCA model.

The table below shows
potential environmental impacts associated with spreadable demand ex dairy and ex retail. All data are provided per kg of product.

Impact category Unit ex dairy

ex retail





Global warming

g CO2-eq.






g SO2-eq.





Nutrient enrichment g NO3-eq. 110   40  
Smog formation g ethene eq. 0.50   0.58  
Land use m2 year 1.1   1.1  

Location in database: Material/Food from industry/From dairies and Materials/Food from supermarket/Milk counter