Farmed trout (dambrugsørred)
Danish trout farming is restricted by public regulations of emissions to
water and
extent of trout production
in farms is independent of the market demand. Hence, environmental impacts
associated with
farmed trout are
determined by the products, which they substitute rather than the processes
associated with
is unknown what kinds of food are most likely to be substituted by farmed
trout. Until more knowledge becomes available any food product such as
chicken, pork, cattle, farmed fish, vegetables or bread or combination
hereof can be appropriate. Thus, the potential environmental impacts associated
with a demand for farmed trout equals the environmental impacts associated
with for instance some of the following products.
Trout farmers are reducing the environmental load per produced unit due
to intensified water purification at the farms in these years and it is
possible that production can be increased to reach the market demand in
the future without violating the legal restrictions. The
main processes influenced by a demand for trout
shown in the figure below,
in an envisioned
scenario that the extent of
trout production becomes independent of the environmental regulation and
determined by the market demand as a result of improved environmental

1:Market based product chain
diagram for trout production covering the most important processes
in terms of contribution to global warming, provided that trout production
is regulated by market demand in a possible future. Boxes refer
to production processes. Names of grey boxes refer to the main product
of the processes. Red arrows represent material or energy transfer
between two processes; green arrows represent saved material or energy
transfer as a result of displacements; green lines represent displacements
and red lines represent avoided displacements.
Further details can be found in the LCA
model. |
In the scenario,
trouts are raised
in ponds with comprehensive wastewater treatment and 100% water
recirculation. The trouts are fed with
feed produced from
meal and a number of other ingredients. The fishmeal is produced from
sand eel in the present
example but could also be other kinds of
industrial fish.
It has been assumed that fish oil produced
as a side product in fishmeal production displace rapeseed oil (1:1) and
(Landbrugets rådgivningscenter, 2000) that rape meal co-produced
with rapeseed oil displace a mix of soy meal and spring barley1).
Environmental impacts associated with the co-products have been eliminated
by system expansion, explaining the red and green lines.
The environmental impacts potentials
associated with trout demand in an envisioned scenario that trout production
is determined by the market demand are shown in the table below. All data are
provided per kg of living trout or kg of trout fillet.
Impact category |
Unit |
Living trout
ex farm |
frozen trout fillet
ex slaughterhouse |
frozen trout fillet
ex retail |
Global warming |
g CO2-eq. |
1800 |
4090 |
4470 |
Acidification |
g SO2-eq. |
9.3 |
13,5 |
14 |
Nutrient enrichment |
g NO3-eq. |
260 |
82 |
83 |
Photochemical smog |
g ethene eq. |
1.0 |
1.5 |
1.6 |
Land use |
m2 year |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
in database: Material/Food
from primary sectors/Aquraculture/trout (Standard) from trout pond
farm or Material/Food from industery/Food from fish industry/trout,
slaughtered, frozen (Market regulated) or Material/Food from supermarket/Freezing
counter/Trout, frozen, in supermarket (market regulated) |
rådgivningscenter (2000). Tal fra Fodermiddeltabellen, Raport nr. 91.
1) Spring barley's
contribution to global warming is too limited to be included in the figure.